Business English

Business English

Provide highly customized English language courses for both corporate and private persons.
The courses are developed backwards from the daily experiences of the clients so as to anticipate the long-term ethical values of business studies and practice.
I insist on the production of knowledge rather than merely transmitting structural information.
By incorporating the KPIs of emotional intelligence in my lectures, I intend to draw the full attention of my students, with a view to stimulating a debate through the super learning role play method, while encouraging them to expand their horizons and reflect on the holistic effect of business in the world.
The bulk of my courses have been centered around the usual ELTs (English language training ) modules:

Telephoning English

Business writing/correspondence

Socializing (small talk banters)

Emailing English

The language of meetings

Negotiation English

Customer-oriented presentations

Academic English

Conflict management English

Job search/interview English

I have been also involved widely in the development of courses tailored to address the needs of candidates aspiring to pursue academic careers in various English-Speaking countries around the world.
On this score, I have had to come out with courses streamlined to meet the requirements of English international exams demanding various levels of proficiency (IELTS, TOEFL, PET, BEC, FCE, CEPE)
At English Station, we have been expanding our range of courses to incorporate some very interesting customized material provided below for your perusal:

English for Managers

Human Resource Leadership/Entrepreneurial Skills

Financial Sector

Technical / ECT

Literary Studies / Textual Analysis / Criticism

Sales and Marketing

Real Estate / Building Construction

Englisch Crashkurse zu vielen Themen
Englisch Crashkurse zu vielen Themen

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19 07 2021